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Mendiola Customs Brokerage Logo

About Us

Why we do What we do. 

Our Mission

International trade is more than just our profession it is our passion. We believe trade has been humanities strongest driving factor over the last millennium and has shaped the world we know today. Trade allows individual and businesses to specialize and create components that are combined by trade to create commodities that a lone entity could never create. "I, Pencil: My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read" is a great piece if you wish to gain further understanding of this concept. Our services are designed to allow trade to be conducted easily,efficiently and within full compliance of applicable regulations . We do what we do because we believe that removing barriers and increasing trade will benefit not only our community but the world economy. Our clients come in many sizes from multinational corporation to sole-proprietors but one thing that never changes is our dedication to their success.

Core Values

Integrity: We are guided by an uncompromising internal compass to honor our moral and ethical principals.


Dedication: We will go above and beyond the scope of our responsibilities to ensure client satisfaction. 


Honesty:  Our behaviors match our words we will not lie by omission and will self disclose with honesty.


Quality: We will always produce excellence work and strive to exceed expectations.


Innovation: We will be trendsetters within the industry by investing in the latest technology.

© Copyright Mendiola Customs Brokerage, 2010-2014.All Rights Reserved.

Mendiola Customs Brokerage 

2112 S. Shary Rd Mission,TX 78572

P.O Box 1317 Mcallen TX 78505


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