Need help Importing or Exporting? We can help.
Why Choose Mendiola Custsom Brokerage?
Selecting the right U.S Customs Broker really can make the difference between the success or failure of your international supply-chain.
Mendiola Custsoms Brokerage has provided services to some of the larges multinationals in the world, we manage the importation of hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Our extensive experience means we've likely handled you commodity before and solved your issues before. Take comfort in knowing that your issues will be addressed correctly the first time around.
Our Our highly trained staff includes several Licensed Customs Brokers this translates fewer administrative delays and better management of your operations compliance. Having multiple Licensed Brokers allows us to avoid the delegation of delay causing problems to unlicensed staff. Our clients can expect to receive direct support from a customs broker when a problem is being experienced.
We genuinely care about our customers and are dedicated to serving them well. We learn their markets, understand their specific goals and objectives and develop solution that deliver business value. We consistently respond to questions and concerns with a sense of urgency. And Strive to develop long-term customer relationships by consistently delivering quality,innovation and business value that exceeds our customers expectations.